The International Slavery Museum

A group of BA(Hon) Media, Global Communication and Media, and MA Arts and Cultural Management visited International Slavery Museums in Liverpool on the 15th of February 2023. This visit aims to allow students to learn and understand the history and the contemporary form of slavery and enslavement, racism and discrimination and their impact, through physical and multi media displays. The also learn the rich history and culture of Africa and their significance.

Two students that went on this trip have said, “[The museum] gave me new information and examples on slavery in a historical setting as well as being able to see the outstanding errors of slavery in today’s world. The multi-media in the exhibition allowed me to understand on a deeper level. Videos style interviews sharing first-hand experiences and contemporary art depicting slavery in a variety of ways allowed me to comprehend the ongoing struggle.”

“I enjoyed the fact that I had time with my course mate, I took a lot of memorable pictures especially because don’t know when such trip would take place again. I met a couple of new friends aside my inner circle of course mate I meet everyday.”