Areej Rehman

As I stood amidst the ancient ruins, my camera in hand, I couldn’t help but feel the weight of history pressing against my chest. The crumbling walls whispered tales of a bygone era, revealing fragments of a vibrant civilisation that once thrived here. Each weathered geometric pattern etched into the stones seemed to hold a secret, a hidden code connecting me to a forgotten past. It was in that moment, surrounded by the decaying architecture, that I realised the power of capturing these moments—the photographs that would become windows into my own journey of self-discovery. Through the lens, I embarked on a personal odyssey, where the embrace of my mixed identity and the echoes of nostalgia merged to create an indelible tapestry of memories.

My decision to create a photography portfolio based on pictures taken in Pakistan was deeply rooted in my desire to reconnect with my cultural identity and explore the profound impact my past upbringing has had on shaping who I am today. Growing up in a diaspora, I often felt a sense of detachment from my roots, as if a part of me was missing. I yearned to bridge the geographical and emotional gap that separated me from my cultural heritage.